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Green Life Turf | Residential Lawns Blog

Difference: Organic Natural Mineral VS Inorganic Fertiliser

Posted by Patrick Muscat on 22 Mar 2017
Patrick Muscat

Two cute boys laying on ground in nature and happily eating healthy food.jpeg

Last time on our blog we explored fertiliser: what it is, how it works, and why it’s important to use in farming and horticulture. Today we thought it was time to discuss the age-old question:

“To be (organic) or not to be (organic)…”

What is the difference between inorganic (“artificial” / “man-made” / “chemical” / “synthetic”) and organic (or “natural mineral”) fertilisers?

Difference Between Organic / Natural Mineral and Inorganic Compounds

Organic Compounds


Inorganic Compounds

Organic compounds are created by living organisms (of animal or vegetable origin) and therefore biological in nature.


Inorganic compounds are created by non-living natural processes (“human intervention”) and therefore mineral in nature.

Organic matter has a slower reaction rate, therefore allowing time for the formation of more complex products during the reaction.


Inorganic matter has a faster reaction rate.


Organic Natural Mineral Fertiliser vs Inorganic Chemical Fertiliser

Organic "Natural Mineral"


Inorganic "Chemical"

Made from the remains of plants and animals (eg: seaweed, blood and bone, manures) and/or natural minerals present in or produced by nature.


Formulated and man-made for specific purposes.

Do not pollute the land, water or the food we consume that’s grown in it.


May add traces of chemicals that can pollute the land, water or food the land produces.

Tend to contain a larger proportion of fibrous material which helps improve soil structure.


Can contain a high volume of nitrogen which can damage roots without significant water available.

Usually release their nutrients slowly over a longer period.


Can come in both instant and long-term “controlled release” options.

Produces healthy, chemical-free soils. There is scientific evidence of a close link between healthy soils and healthy produce including foods like fruits and vegetables.


Using artificial fertilisers and pesticides have been shown to poison soil. Poisoned soil produces substandard and even poisoned produce that have been scientifically linked to causing health problems. So while there may be more yields by apply chemicals, the final produce is lacking the micronutrients intended by nature and essential for building healthy bodies.


Benefits of Using Green Life Turf’s Organic Natural Mineral Special Blend Lawn & Plant Food Fertiliser
  1. All the benefits listed in our last blog (find it here: "What is Fertiliser and Why You Should Fertilise Your Lawn and Garden"), plus:

  2. It’s free of chemicals which means so is your soil, and so is your produce!

  3. It contains soil microorganism which puts back the crucial good bacteria and fungi into your soil.

  4. It’s created with a proven mix of major and minor elements to help lawn and plants thrive all year through.

  5. One application each season is all you need to ensure your lawn and plants receive the nutrients they need.

  6. You can purchase it online, hassle free, delivered to your door!

Give it a go!

 Shop Online | Organic Fertiliser | Lawn Fertiliser | Green Life Turf Online Shop


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