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Green Life Turf | Residential Lawns Blog

Planning Tips for Your Perfect Garden & Lawn

Posted by Patrick Muscat on 26 Jul 2017
Patrick Muscat

Landscape Gardening Plan Drawing.png

Your outdoor space will work best when it’s been designed specifically for its users and environment. So rather than jumping straight into it, take a little time to think about and plan your project outdoor landscape re-design project.

Here are some tips from us and from our pals at Lawn Solutions Australia. 

“Properly planning and designing your garden is a crucial part of its overall success…”
- Loving Your Lawn 2017, Lawn Solutions Australia

1. Who is your outdoor space for?

Your first job is to consider who will be using your outdoor space and for what purposes. Will it be a used by a young family for soccer games and cricket matches? Will you be using it for outdoor BBQs and entertaining? Will there be pets? Wildlife?  


2. Consider the reality of upkeep & maintenance of your area.

How much time can be spent maintaining the outdoor space? Can the job be outsourced? Or will you need a low maintenance lawn?


3. Consider your environment.

Some environments come with more challenges than others. Here are some factors to consider:

  • How much direct sun does your space get? Are there any particularly shady areas or areas that could potentially become shadier over time (like from growing trees or built infrastructure)?
  • How prone to droughts or other climatic challenges is your area?

  • What type of soil do you have? 

  • What shapes are you working with? Do you have any slopes in your landscape? How will these things impact your use and design options?


Choosing a drought-tolerant, low maintenance variety of lawn will make a big difference to your pocket and time compared to other more maintenance demanding varieties.
- Loving Your Lawn 2017, Lawn Solutions Australia


4. Consider your space.

How much room do you have? What are the realistic priorities for your area? How will you balance your hard surfaces (like paving and decks) with the right amount of garden beds and lawn?


5. Council restrictions and considerations.

Know your local council's rules that impact your re-landscaping. There may be soft and hard surface ratios and other rules you need to adhere to.


6. Map out your area to scale.

Get yourself a beer, measuring tape and pencil, eraser and paper, go outside and map out your space.

This will help you to accurately consider your area and the features you want in it from the comfort of your lounge chair!

“Typical scale sizes for residential landscaping plans are 1:50 and 1:100.”
- Loving Your Lawn 2017, Lawn Solutions Australia


7. Consider your budget.

We’re all looking for the best bang for our buck, so it’s important to know how much you can spend and what options you have that impact costs. Remember to consider not just your immediate costs, but also your ongoing costs such as maintenance.


8. Plan and draw your ideas out.

With all your considerations in mind, go online to get more inspiration – try Pinterest, Instagram, Google images, or trusted outdoor and garden sites. Draw out your new landscape to scale on your map.


9. Get the boss's approval.

There’s no shame in seeking input from your other half; but there could be lots of pain if you don’t! Remember to get input from the people who will use the space, or give you grief if they don't like it!


For more information and instructions, you can get your copy of Lawn Solutions Australia’s Loving Your Lawn Guide 2017 through our exclusive offer:
Green Winter Package | Organic Fertiliser + ColourGuard Lawn Colourant + Loving Your Lawn 2017 Perfect Aussie Lawn Guide Limited Time

Topics: Turf, Lawn & Grass, Beautification, Landscaping

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